OOCSMP is an Object Oriented Continuous Simulation Language. It is based on the old simulation language CSMP, with some extensions:

C-OOL is the compiler for this language, it works in Windows95 and is able to generate three different object languages with the OOCSMP models: It generates automatically a user interface, that permits to change parameters during the simulation execution, add or delete objects, etc. The compiler is also able to produce distributed simulations using the rmi Java packages.

You can free download a beta version of the compiler, and the libraries for Java.

Revision Date
COOL, the OOCSMP compiler.(zip)
The OOCSMP compiler for W'95 June, 20, 2000
Java libraries (zip).
The Graphical and Numerical Java Libraries, MGEN. June, 20, 2000
OOCSMP manual, part 1(zip, ps), in Spanish
Chapter I:  CSMP.
Chapter II:OOCSMP, Basic and Object Oriented Extensions.
June, 13, 2000
OOCSMP manual, part 2(zip, ps), in Spanish
Chapter III(a): Partial Differential Equations. June, 13, 2000
OOCSMP manual, part 3 (zip, ps), in Spanish
Chapter III(b): Partial Differential Equations. MGEN. June, 13, 2000
OOCSMP manual, part 4(zip, ps), in Spanish
Chapter III(c):MGEN
Chapter IV: Graphical Output Forms and Multimedia.
Chapter V: Distributed Simulations.
June, 13, 2000
OOCSMP manual, part 5(zip, ps), in Spanish
Chapter VI: The Compiler.
June, 13, 2000

There are some language features, such as the SODA extensions, that allow to build quickly educational courses, that are not included in the manual.
If you want to be notified on new releases, or have bugs, comments, or want further information, contact with:
